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Owen Homoeopathics

Calc Phos 6c

Calc Phos 6c

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Calc phos has traditionally been used for symptoms associated with teething, poor appetite, leg cramps, stomach cramps in babies and headaches in adolescents. These kids can be whiny and discontented and often crave salty foods. They may be tired, thin, glandular and growing. Traditionally calcium phosphate was used in tonics and believed to improve the absorption of nutrients and have a tonic effect at times of rapid growth.

Calcarea phosphorica

Remedy picture as described in traditional homoeopathic texts.

Calc Phos is essential to growth and nutrition in the body.  This is a tissue salt that is found in the blood, saliva, gastric juices, bones, connective tissue, teeth etc.  It gives solidity to bones and has an affinity for albumin and therefore is used where we find whitish discharges. It is nutritious for the periosteum of the bones where red blood cells are formed.  It is indicated in all bone afflictions and glandular systems. Calc phos promotes ossification of bones in fractures and broken bones.  It has restorative powers after acute disease either directly or by preparing the way for other remedies, so making it an important intercurrent remedy.

Mental/Emotional symptoms

There is a general mental weakness towards sustained mental exertion; impaired memory, and anxiety with all troubles.  It is very supportive for children who experience headaches from studying or mental exertion and become easily despondent. Symptoms come on after grief, anger or disappointment. They may experience palpitations with anxiety followed by trembling weakness especially in calves; involuntary sighing.

Physical symptoms

Ears: Outer ears feel cold, bones around the ear ache, chronic catarrh of the ear and throat at same time. Stuffed feeling in the ears.

Eyes: Spasms of eyelids where Mag phos fails, photophobia, cannot use eyes in dim light, feels as if something is in the eye, cool feeling behind the eyes.

Nose: Large nasal polyps, pressure at root of nose, crusts in nostrils, fullness in throat, chronic tonsillitis. Tip of nose feels icy cold.

Teeth: Slow dentition and complaints associated with teething; early decay of teeth.

Head: Vertigo in old age, cold feeling in head, headaches near bone sutures, crawling sensation, headaches in school girls who are maturing, bald spots on head.

Neck and Back: Neck thin as if too weak to support head; stiffness of neck from draught, backache in lumbar region on waking, backache. Aching in shoulder blades, cramping pains in wrists, fingers, esp. thumb, ankle feels dislocated.  Pain in small spots.

Respiration: Hoarseness and cough day and night; involuntary sighing, soreness around clavicle and sternum, chesty symptoms after surgery.

Stomach and Abdomen: Heartburn and flatulence, unusual hunger, sinking sensation in epigastrium, disturbed digestion with distress in stomach, baby wants to nurse all the time and vomits often and easily, colic with green, slimy, undigested diarrhoea and smelly flatus. Crying spells caused by soreness and pain around navel area.  Oozing hemorrhoids, fissures of anus.

Female: Weakness and distress in uterine area, prolapses, soreness in sacro-iliac area, labour-like pains before and after menses. Slow maturation in girls.

Urination: Bed wetting, enuresis in old people.

Extremities: Aching in shoulders, gouty growths, pains in knees and aching limbs, spinal afflictions.

Skin: Pimples on upper part of body, senile itching of skin, skin becomes red and itches after bath.


  • Whingy, whiny and discontented
  • Swollen glands and chronic catarrh
  • Colic, stomach aches at time of growth
  • Headaches in school children
  • Leg pains at night
  • Poor appetite and feeble digestion

• Painful joints and broken bones

Exciting causes

  • Times of rapid growth
  • Teething
  • Loss of fluids
  • Weather changes
  • Broken bones
  • Grief, disappointments or bad news
  • Poor diet


Better:        Lying down; warmth; dry weather; after supper

Worse:       Cold; motion; change of weather; getting wet; dampness; humidity; teething; puberty

Desires:      Bacon; smoked meat; salt fish; indigestible things

Aversions:  Mother’s milk; smoking; sweets

Dose: Lower potencies such as 6x are usual, however higher potencies are preferred for the aged.

Compare to: Calc carb; Baryta carb in aged, Ruta in joint problem, Phos, Ignatia.

Follow with: Silica, Sulphur

Always read the label and follow directions for use. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using this remedy. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.

© Owen Homoeopathics

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