About Us
We are a divine collection of small local Margaret River businesses all in one magickal space on the main street right in town...
We began as a Christmas pop up in November 2019, after gathering an amazing group of beautiful souls who were keen to share their wares and their talents in a supportive, loving environment...
Walking into our store you begin a magickal and wondrous journey as you meander through the many and varied treasures so lovingly chosen by each and every vendor...
If its treasures you're after, pay us a visit and get lost in the magick of Enchanted Margaret River…
OPENING HOURS - 7 DAYS PER WEEK [except christmas day]
SUMMER TRADING [september 1 to may 31]
9:30am to 5pm - monday to saturday
10am to 3pm - sunday
WINTER TRADING [june 1 to august 31]
10am to 4pm - monday to saturday
10am to 3pm - sunday